Friday, September 20, 2013


I did this for Illustration Friday a few weeks ago. I'm pleased with it.
The theme was Lush, and I thought juxtaposing lush with something not lush would be interesting.

And to think a year ago I could barely use Photoshop.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Shoe Paintin'

Although this isn't a specific kind of art, I'll label it as sketchbook art with some loose hand-drawn lettering.

Either way, I had a blast painting these shoes for my friend. It was her birthday and the only instruction she gave me was, "You know me better than anyone. I want a lot of colors and inside jokes." She felt like I delivered well enough.

So, if you or anyone you know is in the market for some custom painted shoes (and they do not have to look like this....this was probably the most extreme example of painted shoes) email me at

kayleigh (dot) jolley (at) gmail (dot) com

Or message me on Facebook. 

Viva la painted shoes.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Figure Drawing

I was rifling through my art from college yesterday and found this guy. I drew him at the end of my Advanced Figure Drawing class December 2011. I tell you what, Bob Barrett taught me so much in that class. I was at the bottom of the learning curve when I first started, and I hated it. I remember the day things started to finally click and all of a sudden figure drawing was this beautiful thing. 

I miss it. Remember, kids...persistence pays!

P.S. Excuse the image quality. I need to find a HUGE scanner to properly digitize these guys. In the meantime, this will do.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


This here is a girl I sketched out one day. Realistically, either that bear's a little small, or that girl's a little big. 

Either way, I'm pretty keen on her 'tude. Poor bear.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

hand-lettering work in progress

I love hand-lettering. Here's a sketch I babied last week while watching Arrested Development. I'm hoping to figure out what to do with it soon!
(Lyrics by Gregory Alan Isakov. Song here.)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

a silly drawing i did for a friend of mine and her soon-to-be husband.